Human-Computer Interaction and Methods

Sonjoi Nielsen
2 min readMar 24, 2019


Week 4, Interaction Design Methods

Domain Landscape of Human-Centred Design Research, Sanders & Stappers, 2008, (

What is User centered Design?
User Centered Design is a design process, where the human being or user is involved from the beginning to the end. The participation typically takes place from the observation to the solution finding of the problem, e.g. through brainstorming, conceptualization, development and implementation of a solution. Usability testing, ergonomics and contextual inquiry are part of it.

Entwicklungskonzept Zürich-West, Juni 2000 (

Freiraumkonzept Zürich-West
A good example of Design concept where the “user” was involved was the “Freiraumkonzept Zürich-West”. This plan was about the future development of the fast growing Zurich West. There was a meeting where 10 different groups discussed what the future of this district will be. One of these groups consisted of people from different walks of life. These people should represent the user’s view. The problem was that each of these groups had the same amount to say, which led to many criticisms. Nevertheless, it can be said that Zurich West has developed extremely well and this approach has paid off.

Sonjoi Nielsen, 10.03.2019
Interaction Design, Zurich University of Arts



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