Speculative Design
Week 11, Interaction Design Methods
Speculative design deals with the question: “What if?”.
It deals with rhetorical questions that reflect themes in society. These themes should open a new dimension to traditional design. This type of design is very much linked to art. Speculative design could basically be understood as art using the tools and methods of design.
Anthony Dunne & Fiona Raby have created a list of conventional design themes on one side (A) and speculative design (B) themes on the other.
The artist Patricia Piccinini wants to show in her work “The Young Family” that technology makes us change ideas quickly. Nature has gone from uncontrolled wilderness to a resource that needs to be used. In her work she shows what biotechnology is capable of and that certain living creatures are only bred for the benefit of society. In this case, these creatures are potential organ donors to humans.
How far architecture and gentrification can go, show the artists Josef Schulz and Filip Dujardin with their photomontages.
Sonjoi Nielsen, 20.05.2019
Interaction Design, Zurich University of Arts
Yangzom Sharlhey (2019)
Speculative Design
Danuka Tomas (2019)
Human Computer Interaction (HCI) and Interactive Art
Anthony Dunne and Fiona Raby (2013)
Speculative Everything : Design, Fiction, and Social Dreaming