The experience and the user-experience
Week 5, Interaction Design Methods
User experience describes all aspects of a user’s experience when interacting with a product, service, environment or facility. Beauty and emotionality of the experience are part of it.
1888 the first successful roll-film hand camera was launched. It was the start of products where the user experience was in the focus.
To use the camera, the photographer simply armed the shutter by pulling up on the string, pointed the camera at the subject, and then pressed the shutter release. These steps were very easy explained in the camera’s instruction manual and were used to promote the ease of the camera along with the slogan, “You press the button, we do the rest.”.
These are the classic types of experiences:
Physical Experience
Physical objects we interact with through haptics for example
Mental Experience
Intellect, awareness, thought, emotion , memories, previous experiences, will, and imagination.
Emotional Experiences
Subgroup of mental experiences. Emotional experiences can very much shape the way we perceive an event.
Spiritual and Religious Experiences
Part of human experience. It covers everything about religion and spirituality.
Social Experiences
Culture and it’s habits is a big part of it. Our culture and society can strongly influence the way we experience certain events.
Virtual or Simulated Experiences
When you play video games, you will be intensely familiar with experiences that are not real , they can still feel very real. Virtual experiences are perceived in a different way than many real experiences, but the experience is still relevant to the person making the experience.
Sonjoi Nielsen, 15.04.2019
Interaction Design, Zurich University of Arts