Visual Abstractions
Week 9, Interaction Design Methods
The way you perceive something mainly happens with the see sensory organ. It is therefor very important to use visual elements consciously. The way you visualize something can highlight essential informations. A good example of a visual element which is highlighted are different sizes of tags. The larger the font, the more information is about this tag. In our example “Interview Experiences” has the most content.
A/B Testing
In web development a good way to test your product is A/B testing. There you give people different versions of a program to test and analyze which one is more intuitive. From the chosen version you make more that are more mature and test them again. So you can solve a user problem relatively quickly, which is intuitive.
As mentioned visual abstractions can be used to highlight informations. For example will be the temperature in the world increase by 4.3°C in 2100 [3]. Glaciers like the aletsch will probably disappear. To highlight situations like this, gif pictures are used.
Sonjoi Nielsen, 06.05.2019
Interaction Design, Zurich University of Arts
Journal of Glaciology, 2011
[4] Fabian Frey, 2019
Visual Abstractions
[5] Damaris Büchner, 2019
Visuals during the design process